Thursday, March 22, 2012

Swift Analysis

Innate Immorality
Ever since the existence of literature humans have been pictured in some way, shape, or form to be deep down side, evil. Books and novels have been written to mainly explain and prove this statement to be true. History has been a proof and fact to this declaration. In Jonathan Swift’s Modest Proposal continuous dark comedy and serious diction combined with a controversial topic progresses into an inter-conflict simply to address the fact that all humans are innately evil.
Dark comedy is incorporated throughout Modest Proposal to provide a grim humor to the writing. Eating babies is in fact a gruesome topic but to the recent generation of humor is somewhat acceptable. Such lines like “a child will make two dishes at an entertainment for friends” to provide the quality of such scrumptious food. Swift also goes along saying “that a young healthy child well nursed, is, at a year old, a most delicious nourishing and wholesome food” to illustrate the slight comedy in the gruesomeness details regarding child eating. The absurdness of the idea is what makes the humor the satisfying element that it is. Backing up his unethical statement with simple facts and statistics, makes the reader second guess the proposal and perceive the possibilities of the design. Don’t lie because we all do it, even for that split second when we realize that he is indeed correct in saying the world would be better off if the scheme was in effect. However morals quickly come to the rescue in returning to the brain to bring a stable, correct, and ethically mind set. Though that second where we actual agree with the proposition is the evil in which encompasses humanity. It might be small and come forth relatively few times but Swift proves is a fact that no matter the extent of evil in a person, the evil is inevitably present.
The essay is written in such a serious and direct tone in order to illuminate the dark comedy and gruesome humor regarding the topic. Instead of creating false facts that would present his idea to be anything other than completely serious, he continuously states doubtable facts, “infant’s flesh will be in season throughout the year, but more plentiful in March” in order to maintain a somber tone. With such content like “I can think of no one objection, that will possibly be raised against this proposal” to address his idea as completely logical. The complete overtone to be unemotional and only practical is one of the very things Swift intended to do when writing this essay.
People would make their own judgments to certain parts of the essay pertaining to their own moral standings. Weighing in the facts against ethicality is a risky balance and could go different ways for different people. For instance when Swift states, “that it will prevent those voluntary abortions and that horrid practice of woman murdering their bastard children” is in fact correct and his plan will stop the abortions and killing of bastard sons. The idea seems bullet proof until morals comes to play where eating babies is actually sickening.
The tone has some aspects of practical thinking in its elements that makes it more terrifying because for just a moment it makes sense. The idea is brilliant is it not? However is practical thinking such a moral crime in this situation? It is only the glimpse of the truth that reveals the factual nature of all humans. Survival is selfish and only the strong suited and able live on as history tell us. The fact of the matter is that if it was ethnically acceptable would one give in? If the only bad side to the proposal was the moral wrongness of eating babies then entire scheme would be beneficial. If this plan was acceptable it would help individuals and families. It could solve a problem of a raising world population dilemma, a food crisis, or even boost the economy. The only question is; would you do it?

1 comment:

  1. I like how for your swift analysis you ended with a question.
